Thursday, December 13, 2007


Got the PHIL100 exam over with today. It was absolutely brutal. Long. Oh so long. I left class, and at the bottom of the campus stairs was a table setup for buying used textbooks. I ditched my book then and there - a symbolic washing of the hands. And I got $34 back for it too!

I used the tablet a few times this week, mainly for work stuff. But, as it so frequently happens, I doodle when I should be getting other things done. The real problem, though, is that I don't doodle except when I have other, tablet oriented things to do. It's rather pathetic. I should be drawing for the sake of drawing, not to procrastinate something else. But when I do doodle I enjoy it. Makes me wonder why it's so hard to do it on my own. I think I'll take a drawing course in the new year. Not for credits, but using real tools and stuff. Anyhoo, this is what I dun doodled. A doobie doo.

Anyways, gotta get some other stuff done. I can't believe Christmas is a week and a half away. How freaky is THAT?

Remember that old fireplace
That held the room in warm embrace
And as we watched for Christmas ghosts
The fire held the shadows close

But now upon that Christmas scene
The candle wax of melted dreams
And ornaments of shattered glass
Now belonging to the past

But all these things are now long gone
And not to be wished upon again

Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Music Box

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