Saturday, December 15, 2007

I have something on the mind...

Can you guess what it is? It's was a ridiculously boring day otherwise - I've felt like nothing but dirt all day - Slouched in my chair at the computer - doing absolutely nothing. Ceck out Digg. Check Joystiq. Check Kotaku, check Digg. Play crappy flash game, give a quick glance to the clan website. Go back to the start. Lather, rinse, repeat. What a... Blech feeling. I suppose the fact that I've eaten nothing but waffles and ichibahn all day doesn't help. So yeah, after ~12 hours of incredibly unproductiveness, I did a bit of sketching and the following occured:

This in part was due to me breaking out the tablet yesterday and drawing a little cartoon for the company Christmas cards. I put my signature in the bottom-right, where it normally goes... I tried to keep it subtle, so that it wasn't too prominent on something for the company. Apparently it's too subtle - the boss couldn't spot it at all. Meh, whatever. I may or may not be getting a new (and used) tablet soon. Mine is losing pressure sensitivity, and can be a bit frustrating to get consistant results from. My uncle is getting a new Intous, and I might get his (older) 6x8 Intous. A Wacom, if I weren't so poor I'd have your babies.


Yeah, cuz that made sense.

I want to wrap all my moments around her
I want to watch as she glitters the night
Floats her dreams in the air
People watch, children stare
At these tears of captured light

While she awaits ever patient
She awaits rarely seen
Still her moments are taken
For in the dead of the night
Gathering light
Christmas dreams

And a tear falls upon her snow-white hair
And it runs to the end where it lingers there
Then it falls through the air of a winter's sky
Till it captures a dream and it's crystalized

Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Dreams

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