Saturday, January 28, 2012

Verbal Doodle - "It’s not my fawlt I wuz home skoold."

“It’s not my fawlt I wuz home skoold.” At least, that’s what I was supposed to say. But when your fingers go to do their tap dance across the keys, other things tend to happen. All those pretences kinda float away when you run into the fact that changing the way your thoughts spew out of your head tends to change the thoughts themselves. If you take too long constructing expression meant to be so… Deconstructed, things start to pile up in the back of your brain. Like a traffic jam of some sort. You know how it is, people start rubbernecking and things slow down to a crawl even though it’s just a duck sitting in the grass 5ft from the road. And when thoughts get jammed up, they ferment. They get all… Funny. And I ain’t talkin’ humourous, either. It’s the way that something that was your own all of the sudden grows half a dozen limbs and walks off in a completely new direction, leaving you wondering where the hell it went. ‘Home skoold’, eh? Yeah, no thanks. I see the point, and I’d entertain it if it didn’t mean getting distracted by ducks.


Frank said...

Dude, that was pretty good. I love how that flowed. And I know what you mean about the things getting backed up. Sometimes you gotta give up on some sentences. Great frickin' job.

Crilix said...

Thanks duder, I think it turned out pretty well too.

I'm wondering if I'm getting a bit formulaic with these, though. I seem to mention one element part way through, and then bring it up again at the end to tie it all together. I need to try some other approaches to wrapping it up.