Monday, November 05, 2007

Recreational fraggin'

Warning: If you are not a nerd and/or gamer you do not want to proceed past this point. Trust me, I'm getting my Geek on.

Quick update on things and such. Mainly of the videogame variety.

I downloaded the Need for Speed Pro Street demo and... Was quite unimpressed. Call me shallow if you want, but I think the more "realistic" car handling isn't that great, you become far too reliant on getting just the right line through corners. Also, the damage modeling is mediocre. I think the first FlatOut did a better job, and that is already a few years old. The wipeout physics still feel a bit wonky too. I still want to play the game, though, if for no other reason then the customization. Hopefully that's been a wee bit fixed since Carbon. I have to admit that I'm excited because they're including my model of Civic. I think I'll have fun virtually pimping my ride. So I'll strike this game from my list for the time being. Perhaps I'll look into it in a year when the prices has dropped 60%. I might see about downloading an "extended demo", and if it turns out better than I'll buy the retail copy.

Call of Duty 4... The reviews are looking pretty good, and it didn't run too terribly on my system. I may just pick it up. I'll probably get it for my b-day at the end of the month unless Frank really wants to play it. Then I can scrape up some monies from somewhere to make it happen.

Gears of War PC. Apparently my system doesn't meet the minimum reqs. Hopefully they'll have a demo so I can see how my rig holds up. If not, then I'll see if I can find an "extended demo" and give it a go. As much as I want the game, it'd be rather foolish to buy it only to find out I can't play it. I've drawn the line in the sand - I'm simply not upgrading for another two years at least. I guess I'll just stop paying attention to new games. All of the sudden I'm starting to see the allure of consoles. Oh well, at least Valve is developing for common hardware. Half-Life for life <3

Oh, and I'm watching Cowboy Bebop. Again. Yeah, this'll be my third or fourth time through. It's such a good show. The music is perfect, the animation fluid, and the humour excellent. What more could you possibly ask for in an anime?

PS- I'm hoping that if I let out my inner post fiend I can get in 100 total posts before the year is up. Will it happen? STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT!

Spring has come
Women are looking in mirrors
Egg pies are baking

Yoko Kanno - Green Bird

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