Sunday, November 09, 2008

I wish I knew exactly what I mean.

Y'know what I hate? Decisions. More specifically, the ones I have to make. Debate the reasons, pick an option, re-evaluate it incase you skipped something, try and come up with alternative, re-consider reasons, pick another option, get nervous, switch to the opposite, become unnerved by the fact you just switched, throw hands up in despair, etc etc ad nauseum. Lather, rinse, repeat. It's an efficient method, I know.

So it's with nervous mannerisms and cautious approach that I hereby quietly declare I'm staying put here in ye fine Alberta-country. The other option was to return to the lower-mainland and persue school there, but that'd seem like a step backwards considering that I'd need to find a decent job and a place to live (both of which I have here). And yet staying here is a bit of a step backwards as I've already moved here and back once about a year and a half ago, and I'm abandoning my old plan to go to school in Vancouver.

But that's alright, because that plan had about a good foundation as a pita full of mud. Even though staying here I have yet to conceive of a mud-filled pita goodness, I can do so from decent lodging after working at a decent job. S'all good.

Except for the point, y'know, where I need to figure out what to do with myself next.

And that I'll have to do tons of paperwork to change residencies.

And all that crap. Ugh.

I guess this is the part where I cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Moving on, I watched two movies this weekend. First of which was the new Indiana Jones movie, which you could immediately tell had a large influence from George Lucas. How, you ask, can you tell that? Well, it was littered with that special kind of suck that couldn't come from anywhere else. Most of all the horrible dialogue, plus throw-away characters that had no purpose, shoddy and abundant CGI, and a really really horrible story. Aliens? A UFO? Really? Ugh, George Lucas - butchering childhood memories one by one! Really, it was a horrible flick. It was nice to see Harrison Ford back in the role, but aside from that... There wasn't really anything appealing.

And then I watched Children of Men. Which, I have to say, had some incredible cinematography. I was blown away at how long some of those shots were. It was pretty gritty - the atmosphere was well captured. It was very V for Vendetta and 1984 esque. With a sprinkle of Half-Life 2 mixed in. For some reason it really didn't click with me, I had a hard time really enjoying it. But I could tell it was well done, I guess it just wasn't my cup of tea. Although, one thing bothered me - near the end they just walk right away after revealing the only newborn child to an entire building and platoon of soldiers. Seriously? How did they get away with that? Gah.

We're coming up on Christmas, which gives me mixed feelings. Don't give me wrong, I'm generally a fan of the season. It's just the whole gift-getting schtick that gets annoying. I have a genuinely good time when I know what to get, but that's generally the hardest part. I have... Say eleven people on my list. Of which, I have a whopping three figured out. It really makes me wonder how those people who buy for everyone and their dogs do it. Lots of gift cards, I'm sure. Hrmph.

Well, now's the part where I sync up the iPod with some more music to get me through the week. This is going to be a long one - while in your average business having the boss gone for two days would probably make things fun and go by quickly... We're getting dangerously close to Christmas and there's tons of stuff to get done. Woo, the joys of working in a small business...

It's the most remarkable word I've ever seen
I wish I knew exactly what I mean
It starts out like an A word as anyone can see
But somewhere in the middle it gets awful QR to me
If I ever find out just what this word can mean
I'll be the smartest bird the world has ever seen

Sesame Street - Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

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