Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wish Liszt, 2008

The family is talking about knocking Christmas back a notch this year, specifically in the gift department. The idea is that you don't have to get anyone a gift unless you find something really good. And as much as I like this idea in principle (I'm not fond of getting stocking stuffers and gadgets I'll never touch twice), I still wanna get something for everyone. Which, as always, is turning out to be a rather difficult process. But on the plus side, I've figured out... 4 out of 11 peoples. But mind you, I actually haven't gotten any of these gifts yet - just merely the concepts. Oh boy...

But on a similar train of thought, here's what on my current list of "things to pick up if I happen to find them on the cheap and am in the mood to spend the appropriate amount of currency"

Albums & Movies:
Moby - Go
Blue Man Group - How to a Megastar Live
Frou Frou - Details
Ocean's Eleven OST
Ocean's Eleven
Cowboy Bebop OST
Dark Knight
Dark Knight OST

Technology & PC Games:
Basic/Used LCD Monitor (I gotta get rid of this other CRT...)
Headphones (my current ones are driving me NUTS)
Webcam (maybe)
Need for Speed Undercover
Mirror's Edge
Grand Theft Auto IV

Man... What a frikkin' bland list. No wonder I can't figure out what to get for other peoples - I barely even know what I want for myself. Oh well, with Left 4 Dead coming out on Tuesday, that should carry me through the holidays. On the far side of Christmas you can sometimes get screamin' deals on new game releases at some of the bigger chains.

I'll probably download the, erm, 'extended demo' of Need for Speed like I always do - although I own Underground, Underground 2, and Most Wanted, EA has a really harsh hit-and-miss average with the series. Undercover looks good so far, but I wanna make sure it's decent before throwing cash down on it. Mirror's Edge might be in a similar boat, but I think a 'limited' demo would give me a good idea of what to expect. If I find snorkin' good deals I may invest in Red Alert 3, Command and Conquer 3, Call of Duty 5... We'll see what else pops up. I just noticed IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 is on Steam for $10. I've been intrigued by that one for a while. I guess we'll see where I'm sitting after the holidays for it. Besides, Steam takes the American monies and our pathetic Canuck coins aren't worth nearly the same amount.

What a bumbling post. And now for something completely different:

So I told the boss(es) this week that I'll be staying in Calgary. Boss #1 offered to get me a Cintiq for work if I didn't move back home. Boss #2 says the funds may have to instead go towards a colour printer. While that sexy, sexy tablet would be so sexily-awesome, the colour printer(s) have been driving me NUTS. I hate those things, and would not be crushed if we got a new one that did what it was supposed to instead of El Cintiq. I'm fairly capable of performing my job as is, but it'd be a great tool to work with.

This week I really desperately need to book a flight to go home for the holidays. They're getting more and more expensive the longer I wait, and I really don't want to resort to taking a bus. Ugh. This means that I'll need to figure out when I can take time off work, which is an issue that has several long strings attached to several ugly problems. We're getting pretty close to less than a month from when the office closes, and we don't have a date set for the staff party. We don't even know where we're going or what we'll be doing there. Then there's the issue of when the bosses decide to leave the office - they'll need to delegate the task of watching the office to someone. This typically gets dumped on the friends/coworkers above me in seniority, which kinda sucks for them. I keep telling myself that I'm somehow entitled a decent pick of vacation because I'm the only one who's a province away from immediate family... But really, that makes a pretty lame-ass excuse for taking off early when there are others who should have first dibbs. /shrugs

I'll pitch it this week and keep my fingers crossed. We'll see what happens. Also, there are projects that have been sitting on desks waiting for approvals, and we're getting pretty darn close to cutoffs. Sigh... If I close my eyes and cover my ears will it all go away and end up being alright?

Oh oh domino
Roll me over romeo
There you go
Lord have mercy
I said oh oh domino
Roll me over romeo
There you go
Say it again
I said oh oh domino
I said oh oh domino

Van Morrison - Domino

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